
How to clean your house when Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a period in which women gain weight. This can make it difficult for pregnant women to maneuver. Add to this the feeling of tiredness and you may wonder if you should do all the household chores you usually do. While it is safe to participate in most household activities during pregnancy, it is best to avoid or delegate some tasks to others. House Cleaning Capitol Hill, CO has some suggestions on what chores should and should not be performed during the pregnancy.

Housework you can do during pregnancy

Some basic household chores and tasks can be handled relatively easily like:

During house cleaning, cutting and cleaning vegetables is an effortless task. Most women are used to cutting vegetables on their feet, but pregnant women are encouraged to lift a chair and sit down while doing household chores.

Sweeping can also be done with a little innovation. When house cleaning we recommend choosing brooms and mops with long handles so that you don't have to bend too much. During house cleaning, activities that require downturn and stay for long periods should be avoided. If it makes you feel tired, stop the activity immediately and rest.

Cleaning of toilets should only be attempted expecting mothers to have access to ecological cleaning products. The use of aggressive chemicals is a strict no. White vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda are some effective and inexpensive cleaners that can be used safely during pregnancy.

When house cleaning utensils and dishes can be lightly washed, but do not last longer than 15-20 minutes.

Household chores to avoid during pregnancy

During house cleaning, almost all domestic activities can be carried out during the first months of pregnancy. While it is safe to do housework during your first pregnancy, it is best to avoid some housework at this time because it can cause excessive stress on the body and potentially put your baby at risk. Repetitive and monotonous tasks increase stress hormones, which is not good for pregnant women.

When house cleaning, any activity that involves lifting heavy loads or moving furniture should be avoided; Activities such as loading clothes should also be avoided, as they can cause symptoms of premature labor and hypertension.

No activity that requires climbing should be attempted. The weight gained during pregnancy alters the body's center of gravity and women are more likely to lose their balance.

House cleaning during pregnancy is a great way to stay active and stay fit during pregnancy. Refrain from any job that makes you feel tired or sick and come up with a program that includes a good amount of rest together with work.


If you are still searching for household chores which you should be doing during pregnancy then you should get in touch with House CleaningCapitol Hill, CO experts who will share some more healthy tips with you that will keep your fit and healthy. You can even book an appointment with House Cleaning Capitol Hill, CO experts for details.