
House Cleaning Capitol Hill, CO - Tips on Keeping Your Bathroom Clean

We are listening from you. When we polled House Cleaning Capitol Hill,Co readers about their house cleaning habits, it came loud and clear that the bathroom is not only one of the most important rooms to keep clean but also they are one of the most difficult places to keep clean.

House Cleaning Capitol Hill, Co has got few house cleaning tips for you to keep your efforts intact even if there is high traffic in your bathroom.

1. Stop Moisture in the Tracks:

  • You should hang the squeegee over the shower head and make it a rule that the last one who is going to take the shower will wipe down the walls, tub and shower doors.
  • A complex few minutes of work can minimize the house cleaning time for the long run.
  • You can also kill the moisture by opening the window or you can turn on the exhaust fan in your bathroom while you take a shower.
  • You can also leave the door open, even a crack, helps to dissipate.
  • Lastly, don’t forget to stretch the shower curtain open when it dries.

2. Skip the Bar Soap at the Sink:

  • For house cleaning, Use a liquid soap with the pump or even you can use hands free soap dispenser.
  • Eliminating the grumpy soap dish will help your sink and the countertop to stay cleaner.

3. Create Order in your Cabinets:

  • The best way for house cleaning is to arrange your cosmetics, hair tools in your medicine cabinet.
  • They can be stashed away but they will remain within the reach.
  • A clutter free counter can make your bathroom more clean and attractive.

4. Install Towel Bars:

  • House cleaning can be easy when you install towel bars in the bathroom or hang them anywhere else on the bar.
  • The towels will dry more quickly and your bathroom is going to look tidier.
  • If you have not got wall space then you can add hooks at the back of your bathroom door. 

5. Stash a Canister of Disinfecting Cleaning Wipes Under your Sink:

  • This way you can quickly zap the toothpaste splatters, water marks, and other messes when you notice them and they will not be having any chance to get dry and tougher to remove it.

6. Keep a Stash of Used Dryer Sheets Nearby:

  • You can use it to quickly and easily nab hair and dust bunnies from the floor without dragging your vacuum cleaner and dealy the major clean sweep

7. Combat the Shower Curtain Buildup:

  • Spray the bottom of a vinyl shower curtain liner several times in a month with bleach containing all-purpose cleaner to keep the soap scum, water minerals and mildew at the bay.
  • Let the shower rinse it off (Before you jump in it) and you won't need to launder the curtains more often or regularly. 

➤ Get in touch with us for house cleaning services if you are not having enough time to clean your house on regular basis!