
Fake clean you house in 15 minutes

Cleaning a house is a huge task, especially when it comes to keeping it clean afterwards too. You can spend hours around the house and be done with very little amount of cleaning. It is a full time job and requires your full attention and delegation when it comes to keeping the house clean. Just like that when you have guests coming over it is more of a trouble for you as you want to make your house presentable in front of your guests. Even though you spend time cleaning on a daily basis still there will be dirt and it will not look as if you have just cleaned your house. House Cleaning Atlanta has a few tips that will help you in fake cleaning your house in 15 minutes and it will look as if you spent hours in house cleaning your house.

1.  Ask for help

When house cleaning you can gather everyone around the house for taking help on the cleaning chore. This way you will get more work done in less time. You can pay your child as a reward for performing household chores. This will encourage them to be of more help around the house. During house cleaning, make sure that you give each family member the chores that are age appropriate and that they can perform easily instead of giving them chores that they can’t do.


2.  Clear countertops 

When house cleaning and you are in a hurry the countertops and floors are more of a mess around the house. As the countertops are usually crowded with things that we don’t even require but are lying around there for this purpose when faking cleaning place all the extra things in an empty cupboard and deal with it later on. Just like that the floors too have a lot of scrap paper, toys and other things pick all those up and place them in an empty basket and store it in a closet to be looked at, later on.


3.  Close doors

When house cleaning, make sure that you close the doors of the rooms and closets that are not to be seen by the guests. You can place all the extra stuff in these rooms and closets and be stress free. The visitors most certainly don’t need to know the way your bedrooms look. So it's best that you keep the doors closed.


4. Entryways

When house cleaning, entryway is the place where your guests are going to enter into the house from so make sure that you give a good clean. Brush all through the entryway, place all the things in order, the shoes on the shoe rack, coats and jackets in their respective places and wipe down all the surfaces with a dampened microfiber cloth to make it look all clean and neat.  


For more fake house cleaning ideas you should book an appointment with House Cleaning Atlanta and our professional experts will guide you more about it or you can even call your local House Cleaning Atlanta experts for details as well.