
Cleaning appliances mater - House Cleaning Atlanta

We do house cleaning, planned cleaning and daily cleaning also in depth, but most of the time we forget to clean some appliances that require cleaning, but we neglect the cleaning of these appliances.

And over time, these appliances don't work properly and that's when we realize that these things require deep cleaning and, due to the lack of attention, their ability and performance have been affected.

House Cleaning Atlanta has some appliances on the list that need cleaning, we tend to overlook them.

1. Washing machine

During house cleaning, it would never have occurred to us to have to clean the washing machine. It is always considered one of those appliances that do not require deep cleaning or cleaning, but it is wrong. We never thought that hard water minerals would settle in the washing machine over time and cause problems, even with the time of washing clothes, germs also settle in the machine, which can accumulate inside the machine, so it is essential to wash also the washing machine. When house cleaning, to clean a washing machine, it is necessary to perform a completely empty washing cycle by adding only hot water, vinegar and baking soda, this will eliminate all bacteria and also dissolved mineral particles and make the machine feel fresh, you should keep the lid open between each wash.

2. Dishwasher

During house cleaning, he must never forget that the dishwasher must also be cleaned. We consider that, since the dishwasher washes the dishes, it also gets a service and cleans itself, but this is not true, due to the food particles that remain and when washing the dishes, there is a much easier accumulation of bacteria. Not cleaning the dishwasher is the main cause of odors and the accumulation of water stains on dishes. When house cleaning, you need to clean the dishwasher once a month. To do this, you need to place a dishwasher container filled with 2/3 cup of vinegar and run it in a normal cycle and you will have a clean dishwasher. You should check under the dishwasher for food particles.

3. Coffee pot

During house cleaning, it is one of the essential appliances in our home without which we could never function properly. We mainly use the coffee maker in the morning or in the evening. Therefore, it is very difficult for us to remember that we must also perform a deep cleaning. So most of the time the coffee cattle is washed, but the inside of the coffee machine is not. When house cleaning, the coffee maker needs to be cleaned once a month. You should pour an equal mixture of water and vinegar into the coffee maker chamber and then prepare the coffee, use a coffee filter to trap all the coffee particles. Once half of the mixture is prepared, stop for a while before preparing the rest, then run a cycle of clean water and you will have a clean coffee maker in no time.


For more tips call your local House Cleaning Atlanta professionals.